Tuesday, January 1, 2013

In this day and age, where’s the time?

In this day and age, where’s the time?- Career Tips

Effective time management ensures productivity and reduces stress levels
How many of us constantly find ourselves envying our friends who seem to be having a good time despite their busy schedules? We may be doing lesser work compared to them, yet we never seem to finish on time and relax.

Simple and practical time management skills can help us manage our time well, be exceptionally productive and reduce stress levels at work.

Listed below are some tips on effective time management:

Follow the four D’s
Do it – the sooner, the better
Delegate it – if someone else can do it for you
Dump it – if it is not important, forget about it.
Defer it – if it is not urgent, come back to it later

Set personal goals – decide where you want to be six months from now.
Manage distractions – try to cut down on phone calls,emails, etc. They delay the process of reaching our goals.

Avoid procrastination – find an immediate action plan. If needed, divide you work into small manageable tasks.

Learn to say ‘no’ – don’t take on too much.

Avoid micromanaging – train your people and trust their capabilities.

Take a break – a short walk, a cup of coffee or a chat with a friend refreshes you.

Minimize errors   – it’s okay to make mistakes, just don’t repeat them.

Career Tips

Delegate so you can focus on other important matters
Minimize distractions and learn to manage interruptions

Set goals – decide where you want to be six months from now.

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