Interview Question to Ask

Review your interview preparation checklist

Interview Guides

Well, you have been preparing yourself for this day, and now it is here. Let’s see about your preparation. Most companies have websites, profiles on LinkedIn, a Facebook page and Twitter feeds; therefore, candidates have no excuse for being ill-informed. You should have:

• Researched the company – its products / services, etc., so that you can ask relevant questions about the job you will be doing, and your future prospects with the company. If it is a new industry, research the industry, where it is going, and what competencies it requires for growth. Even if you do not have industry experience, you can still present those of your competencies, experience and projects handled which may be critical to the industry.

• Researched the interviewers – especially those who are from your functional area. Social media channels are a good source of information about their work, which can provide you with an opportunity to draw their attention to your work in similar areas.

• Prepared your answers – there are 5 to 6 questions typically asked at interviews. You may be very intelligent, but unless you are sure what aspects you want to highlight in those 2 to 3 minutes of interviewer’s attention that you’ll get, you may well end up losing the opportunity. Questions like describe your strengths and weaknesses are NOT opportunities to be frank; rather, these are opportunities to demonstrate how your strengths and weaknesses can be beneficial to the company. Keep the discussion focused on your work and what you can contribute.

• Found out where the office is located and how to get there – nine times out of ten, inadequate attention to logistical preparation causes delay and anxiety, which can be wholly avoided.
And remember to ALWAYS bring a copy or copies of your CV with you, just in case!

Career Tips

• Do background research on the company you wish to join
• Come prepared with answers that demonstrate your strengths
• Learn how to get to the office location to avoid coming late

  • Prepping up right for job interview

Doing your homework and staying positive and confident are key attributes.

It’s impossible to predict what an interviewer may ask you during a job interview. But focusing on a few key areas can help prepare for the “grilling” and effectively answer key questions that will help take you to the next level.Prepare “stories” about your achievements.

It is important that you tell brief and compelling”stories” about the results you have achieved in your profession. Talk about a challenge you faced, the actions taken, skills used and the actual results. These stories can be used to answer many questions including the classic ‘Tell me something about yourself’.

Research on the company and the hiring manager

Perhaps, even more important than proving you have the necessary skills, is the need to show enthusiasm for the organization and the role you are being interviewed for. The more you know about the hiring manager as well, the better. Knowing their interests and work experience can help you build rapport. It also shows that you take the initiative and are well-prepared.

Ask powerful or insightful questions

Basic questions about the job should have been addressed through the company website, the job ad or the recruiter. So prepare questions that show you’ve done your homework and have visualized yourself working there. For example: ‘’I read that you are currently developing a new product…how do you see this role contributing to its successful rollout over the next two years?’’

Finally, don’t forget to look and sound positive throughout. Never cri ticize former colleagues or managers as it will only reflect badly on you. Ensure you are well-groomed so you make a great first impression!

Interview Questions.

Plan your route to the interview venue and don’t be late
Dress professionally, sell yourself and do some follow-up
Bring a copy of your resume & all necessary documentation.

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