Make sure
you involve the entire team when facing off with a crisis
In the face
of sheer uncertainty and cut-throat competition,when business slows down and
there’s fear of the worst, here’s fear of the worst, here’s what successful
entrepreneurs and CEOs do.
Lift up the
morale of the staff;”reprogram” the team consciousness is motivated and
instilled with a level of confidence and a survival spirit, nothing is
impossible for the team to achieve. Trying a fight off a crisis is incomplete
without involving the entire team.
A crisis can be viewed as an opportunity for
everyone to express their leadership skills, and sometimes you’ll be amazed to
see even junior employees pulling through with the rest of the team, with strength
and determination.
The second
level is to turn back to a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat)
analysis of the company and refer to the threats and turn them into
The third
level is to change the patterns of marketing, customer service,payment terms
and switch to more creative ways involving the team. Some of these creative
ways include brainstorming- the opportunity to cross – fertilize ideas and
suggestions from everyone and choosing what best suits the situation. The ‘’restaurant
game’’ helps you assess your business as if it were a restaurant, that is you
focus on the product,service,price, location, how it is being promoted and the
customer experience. The’’six thinking hats’’ method entails looking at the
facts the matter from different perspectives and trying to build a logical
argument and provide marketing solutions to marketing problems. ‘’Traffic
lights’’ is based on the three colors of the traffic signals signifying ‘’stop,
proceed with caution and go’’. Stop operations or activities that are ineffective;
work on improving some items and then proceed; move forward with activities
that guarantee a positive outcome.
Handy Hints
the collective consciousness towards winning
Use a SWOT
analysis of the company and address threats
Change the
patterns of marketing using various methods.
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