Monday, October 20, 2014

Following the success recipe in totality.

Following the success recipe in totality.

We all have access to the worlds proven strategies and recipes of success.

I recently visited the doctors clinic and after his diagnosis , he wrote some prescription for me. I had a severe flu and he gave me a variety of medicine along with very specific instructions regarding the quantity intake of each medicine within specific intervals of time.
Prescription drugs will only be effective if you follow the doctor’s exact instructions. But what will happen if you consult the world’s best doctor but ignore the prescription? If you only choose among the prescribed medicine, take what you like and modify its quantity and schedule, you know what is going to happen.

Similarly, we have access to the world’s best proven strategies and recipes of success, we have brilliant case studies in the form of autobiographies of successful people, and we also have living examples in our surroundings.

However, you might wonder why many people are still not successful with such “open secrets of success” accessible to everyone. The answer is loud and clear. The issue is not about those success recipes, it is about the people who are not following the recipes in totality.
Every proven success recipe has something in common discipline,integrity , emotional maturity, courtesy, continuous learning clarity of goals, learning from mistakes, positive , mindset, among others.

But what happens if we are not consistent? Ignore one out of many and the desired result will either not happen or will not be sustainable.

So, if you are not still asking why you are not successful yet, then review your success recipe, Have you diagnosed by now where the missing link of your success lies?.

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