Saturday, October 18, 2014

Building the culture of accountability.

Building the culture of accountability.

Help people achieve organizational goals through experience and common sense

How do managers do their jobs? How does the decision-making process look like? Is it identical with the task of managing?

 A chief officer once said all the information required to make a full rational decision is never readily available despite the various levels of managers working with him.
People forget that the real world of organizations is full streams of actions, processes and events. The result are key. To produce a quick output or service delivery, you need to be accountable for your actions. Faster decision is required. One cannot map a decision-making process in a well-written DOA (delegation of authority) and instruct managers to act upon the compliance manual.

An organization is made up of complex elements. There are complexities about preference that enable people to develop organizational goals through experiences and common sense. Complexities create work challenges and save an organization from being monotonous. A well-prepared job description is more than enough to deliver the agreed accountability.

One manager warned his staff to work carefully; otherwise, internal audit will catch their lapses. It seems that the employees were mandated to perform their tasks to cover up audit requirements. Is it right? If a working environment is controlled by compliance and audit, it will witness lack of accountability. People will not make rational decisions. More signatures required to process documents means more delays, and no one is accountable for the end results.

A decision is action in process. It is not the result of authority, but the outcome of accountability. Such concept of decision making gives us a better understanding of the complexities in an organization. Through it, we can become aware and self-reflective of the diverse expressions of the decision activities in specific situations and the implications of the way we do things to create a performance-oriented culture.

Career Tips.

A well-prepared job description can foster accountability
Enable people to make rational decisions to achieve goals
A decision is action in process and the result of accountability

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