Tuesday, January 1, 2013

What’s your offcial job title?- Carer Tips

What’s your official job title?

It’s your professional ID and a badge if authority

The awareness of one’s job title will help your evaluate employment opportunities and career progress. Career transition experts explain why it’s sometimes necessary to change your official job title when applying for a new job:

Be sure your job title describes your role

The official title of a lady responsible for managing the company’s overseas operations and saving them millions of dollars in potential legal costs was ‘’Sales Support”. On her resume, the career transition expert changed it to ‘’General Manager’’, as this was more accurate title for her role.

If you managed, you’re manager

If you’re looking to set up to management role, it’s important to stress and experience you already have in managing, recruiting, training or motivating others. If you did this outside of work, as a volunteer or in community activities, it’s still relevant experience. But only use the title’’manager’’ if it accurately describes what you have done.

Too niche or too broad?

A general job title such as ‘’Marketing Manger’’ does not make it clear what types of activities you were involved in. If you’re looking to move to larger company or more specialized your role, focus on your experience in specific areas such as market research, social media, database or CRM. On the other hand, if you’re joining a small company or start-up, you’ll need to do the opposite.
An upgrade in job title may or may not bring an automatic increase in compensation, or in the potential for future increases.

An inappropriate job title does not only undermine your standing,both inside and out side your company but also hinders your pursuit for future growth and career opportunities.

Career Tips

A job title should accurately describe what you have done.

An upgrade in job title may or may not bring a pay rise

Ensure HR records reflect the change in your title

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