Monday, December 31, 2012

Specific goals ensure a successful career

Specific goals ensure a successful career- Career Tips

Steps towards finding and staying in a profession you actually like
If you don’t have five yearly plan yet, then your first career goal should be to make one. Defining your career goals will help you take necessary steps towards finding and staying in a profession you’ll actually like and succeed in.

Career goals must be specific. It’s not enough to say ‘I want to be successful since success can mean different things to different people.

 Do you want to be the CEO of a company or just earn big so you can go on a big holiday very year?

Set long-term goals and short-term objectives. Long-term goals can take anything from 3 to 5 years. The short-term ones complement your vision, are more immediate and can take just a few months to achieve. Break your bigger goals down into smaller units to help you achieve them and take steps everyday, no matter how small, towards them. Make sure that the goals you set are measurable and realistic – some things that you can proudly acknowledge that you have achieved.

Be positive when setting goals, focus on what you want instead of what you want to avoid. Set goals according to what you want to do, not what you feel you “should” or “need” to do. This will ensure that you are truly motivated towards achieving them. You could even make a list of the benefits of achieving each goal.

Be flexible and modify your goals as you progress in your career. Things can change in an instant and you may want to rethink your goals or adjust your timeframe as new information becomes available. Be positive but realistic, and self-reliant.

Career Tips

Set long-term goals and short-term objectives

Make sure the goals you set are measurable and realistic

Be flexible and modify goals as you progress in your career.

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